
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

About Kinetic Concepts/ Kinetic Conceptsについて



松 本のいろいろな所を見て深く知るようになるにつれ、「松本はフィットネストレーニングにもっと力をいれるべきでは。」と思うようになりました。松本のス ポーツ界を見ると技術的には一流だけれど、行っているトレーニング内容が体に合っていないのではないかと思います。そのため、トレーニング環境の整った東 京や大阪などの大都市のアスリートに比べると松本のレベルはどうしても低くなってしまいます。


こ のような経験から「松本のトレーニング事情をもっとよくしていきたい。」と考えるようになり、アメリカトレーニング協会認定の資格を取得し、21年間のト レーニング経験(ウェートリフティング、アメリカンフットボール、陸上競技、柔道、ボクシング、総合格闘技、アメリカ軍隊)を元に試行錯誤しながらオリジ ナルのトレーニングプログラムを作りました。フィットネスの世界を知りつくしたトレーナーによる最高のトレーニングプログラムを御提供する事をお約束いた します。

The idea for Kinetic Concepts began a few years ago. After living in Japan for about 2 years, and coming to love and respect the town I live in, I started to wonder, "What can I do to make Matsumoto a better place?"

I looked around and what I knew, and saw an area that I felt needed help. That of fitness training in Matsumoto. In looking at Matsumoto sports, I saw athletes whose technical skills were stellar, but whose bodies weren't able to match what their training said they should be doing. While staying in Matsumoto, that was fine, but when going against players from the big cities like Tokyo or Osaka, they were losing by large amounts. Often, it appeared that the players techniques were of similar or equal levels, but the difference was the athletic level of the "big city" players.

Even more distressing, in looking in regular gyms and watching regular people tying to be fit, I saw things every day that made me cringe. Dangerous, stupid exercises done by well meaning people who had no idea what they were doing, who would either get hurt, or not make any progress, get frustrated and give up.

With that in mind, I created Kinetic Concepts. I started with the 21 years of experience I had "under the bar," in the gym, creating programs for myself and others. Lessons learned through trial and error, gain and loss. I then added in my outside the gym experience, in sports including American football, track and field, judo, boxing and MMA; in the US Army, where staying fit was an important part of the job; and as a husband and father. Finally, I added in certifications from 2 American personal training organizations, as well as hundreds of hours spent constantly studying the world of fitness and training to create the best training company I can.

Kinetic Concepts- Make the Most of Yourself, Today